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Bending Adversity: Japan and the Art of Survival Page 47

  ‘road tribe’ 145–6

  life expectancy 160–61, 162, 330–31n14

  Little Boy exhibition 250

  living standards/per capita income xxxiii, 95, 103, 113, 116, 117, 119–20, 122–3, 175, 178, 270, 309, 317, 342nn36–37

  LNG xx

  Lockheed 137

  MacArthur, Douglas 32–3, 74, 80, 81, 222–3

  McCarthy, Cormac: The Road 22

  McCormack, Gavan 46, 47

  McDonald’s 309

  Macfarlane, Alan 42–3, 44, 45

  Japan Through the Looking Glass 42, 45

  Magnus, George 161, 162

  maid cafés 194

  Makihara, Minoru 271

  Malaysia 69, 73, 83

  Malraux, André 63

  Manchukuo 70


  Chinese invasion by 63

  and Japan: 1905 invasion 68; 1931 invasion 73, 228; and the South Manchurian Railway 335n11

  Manila massacre 228–9

  manufacturing industry xxi, 36, 47, 148, 166, 169–73, 270–71, 285 see also specific industries

  marriage 162, 164, 181, 193, 205, 207, 209–10, 211, 213, 290–91, 334n15

  and divorce 211–12, 334n12

  Marubeni 305

  Marxism 72, 230, 237–8 see also communism

  Matsumaru, Kazue 83

  Matsumoto, Chizuo 108

  Matsumoto, Hisashi 240

  Matsumoto, Ryu 282–3

  Matsushita 91, 100

  Matsutani, Mitsuko 16

  medical care 146, 161

  nursing 166–7

  Meiji Restoration 50, 56–7, 59, 66–7, 71, 73, 141, 150, 247, 303

  fukoku kyohei (‘rich country, strong army’) 85, 316

  Melville, Herman 60

  merit pay 89, 155

  Merkel, Angela 260

  methane 305

  Midway, battle of 74

  Mihama nuclear power plant 267

  Mihashi, Kaori 204

  Mikitani, Hiroshi 167, 273

  militarism, Japanese 70, 73, 80, 85, 87, 239, 244, 316

  and Asian relations 220, 221, 223, 230; and the legacy of war 219–35

  ‘comfort women’ used by military 230, 243

  and Japanese identity 223

  Japanese objections to term ‘aggression’ 228, 230–31

  and Japanese pacifist self-image 220, 224–5, 228, 230–31

  as response to the West 39, 59, 69, 73–4

  and war apologies 221–2, 235, 313

  Yomiuri investigation of Japan’s war record 233

  Minami, Ryo 305

  Minamisanriku 14

  Ministry of Finance 123, 128, 142, 145

  Ministry of Trade and Industry (MITI) 86–8, 90, 94

  Mitchell, David xxx

  MITI (Ministry of Trade and Industry) 86–8, 90, 94

  Mitsubishi Corporation 110, 271

  Miura, Atsushi: Lower Class Society 155

  Miura, Toshiaki 233–4, 283, 286

  Miyachi, Masato 72

  Miyake, Issey 90

  Miyamoto, Yoshinaga 139

  Mongols 32, 51

  Monju fast-breeder reactor 266

  monozukuri 170, 174

  Moody’s Investors Service 123, 124

  Moon, Sun Myung, Unification Church 109

  Mori, Joji: The Shell-less Egg 36

  Mori, Motonari 307

  Mori, Yoshiro 133

  Mori Building Company 235

  Morita, Akio 88–9, 90, 171

  Morita, Minoru 95, 154

  Morozumi, Yoshihiko 88

  Murakami, Haruki xxii, xxiv, xxxiii, 51, 104–7, 109–10, 183–4

  After the Quake 106–8

  Underground 109, 183

  Murakami, Takashi 250

  Murakami, Yoko 106

  Nadeshiko (women’s soccer team) 206–7

  Nagano 148

  Nagaoka Clan 136

  Nagasaki 61, 70, 79, 224

  Nagoya 79

  Nakahara, Kaori 214–15

  Nakasone, Yasuhiro 102, 156–7, 225–6, 272

  Nakayama, Nariaki 243

  Nanjing/Nanking 58

  massacre 78, 228–9, 230, 237

  Nara, Yoshitomo 246

  Narita divorce 212

  Nathan, John 89

  Nehru, Jawaharlal 70

  Netherlands see Holland/the Dutch

  New York Times 174

  NHK 273

  Nichicon 168, 169

  Nihombashi 88

  Niigata earthquake 266, 267

  Niinami, Takeshi 309

  Nikkei stock average 100, 117–18, 325n1

  Nikon 86

  Nippon Electric Company 90

  Nippon Steel 90

  Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation 101

  Nishida, Mrs xxiii

  Nissan 87

  Nixon, Richard 253

  Noda, Yoshihiko 128, 283, 320n5

  Nogi, Maresuke 71

  Norway 120

  Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency 265, 274

  nuclear crisis at Fukushima see Fukushima Daiichi nuclear crisis

  nuclear power and industry 200–201, 262–9

  accidents/incidents: Chernobyl 260, 265, 275–6; Fukushima see Fukushima Daiichi nuclear crisis; Kashiwazaki-Kariwa 266, 267; Mihama 267; Tokai 266–7

  after Fukushima 269–74

  anti-nuclear popular sentiment 273–8, 304–5

  cost of nuclear energy production 271–2

  economics of using and abandoning nuclear power 270–72

  energy compensation for abandoning 271

  faking of safety data 266–7

  and the ‘nuclear village’ 264–9, 272, 274, 277–8

  phasing out policy 274

  regulation 265, 266–7, 274

  safety myth 266

  subsidies 271, 274

  Yoyogi Park protest 273

  Nuremberg 225

  nursing 166–7

  Obama, Barack 35, 316

  Obuchi, Keizo 123

  Odaka 257–9

  Oe, Kenzaburo xxvi, 109, 248, 273

  Ofunato 19–20, 21–4, 291–5

  Ogata, Sadako 78, 138

  Ogata, Shijuro 19, 77–9, 81–2, 83–4, 104, 283

  Ogata, Taketora 78, 80–81

  Ohara, Ichizo 65, 136, 137

  Oi nuclear power plant 269

  oil 73, 94, 104, 252, 271

  Oita 287

  Okakura, Kakuzo: The Book of Tea 52, 68

  Okamoto, Yukio 270

  Okazaki, Hisahiko 237–9, 245

  Okinawa 49, 60, 247–8

  battle of 74, 79, 248

  US bases on 247, 248–9, 250–51

  Okita, Saburo 84

  ‘Old Mother Green Tea’ 62

  Olympic Games, Tokyo

  1964 264

  2020 317

  Omi, Koji 128, 144

  Onamazu 5

  Onda, Katsunobu 266

  Onishi, Norimitsu 265

  Ono, Taiichi 36–7

  Onodera, Itsunori 312–13

  Onoue, Nui 99, 100

  OPEC oil embargo 94

  Opium War, first 57, 66

  Osaka 79, 86, 92, 99, 198

  Osawa, Machiko 210

  Oshima, Kenichi 271–2

  Osho (Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh) 109

  Ota, Masahide 248

  Oyama, Yoshimori 295–6

  Ozu, Yasujiro: Tokyo Story 95

  Pacific Campaign see World War II: Japan, the Pacific Campaign and

  Pacific Ring of Fire 6r />
  pacifism 55, 80, 85, 220, 224–5, 228, 230–31, 241, 242, 313–14

  Pakistan 168

  Panasonic 100, 167, 170–71

  Paris Peace Conference (1919) 69

  Park Geun-hye 206

  Patrick, Hugh 165

  pay 90, 93, 118, 127, 155, 166, 186, 213, 307, 309

  discrimination against women 164–5, 205, 213

  merit 89, 155

  seniority 47, 48, 164

  Peace Boat group 285

  Peace Preservation Law 72

  Pearl Harbor 73–4, 78

  pensions 146, 161, 162–3, 331n19

  per capita income see living standards/per capita income

  Peres, Shimon 51

  Perry, Matthew 61, 64, 66

  Black Ships of 64, 238, 303

  Pearl Harbor attack as Japanese revenge for 74

  Philippines 57, 73, 119, 166, 167, 205, 219

  Pitsuwan, Surin 313

  PLA Daily 312

  poetry 63, 74

  haiku 45–6, 63

  political disenchantment 279–89

  population of Japan 119, 160–61, 168

  pornography 194

  Port Arthur 70

  Portuguese 59–60

  post office privatization 139, 148, 149–53, 158–9

  Potsdam Declaration 252

  Powell, Colin 196

  Prestowitz, Clyde 97

  prisoners of war 228–9

  prisons 122, 227

  productivity xxx, 36, 90, 96, 120, 145, 164, 179, 307, 310, 331n25


  housing see housing

  prices 100–101, 102, 103

  speculation 100, 102

  prostitution 83–4

  and ‘comfort women’ used by military 230, 243

  and kabuki 68

  public expenditure 145

  public works 103, 127, 145–6, 148, 151, 155–6, 328n26

  Pyle, Kenneth 56, 234

  Qatar 82

  Rajneesh, Bhagwan Shree 109

  Rakuten 167, 273

  rangaku-sha (scholars of western learning) 62

  rape 78, 211, 229, 230, 248–9

  gang 211

  by US servicemen on Okinawa 248–9

  Reagan, Ronald 97


  British 128

  Japanese xxvi, 72, 103, 114, 120, 126, 128, 131, 183

  US 102

  Red Purge 81, 85

  Reischauer, Edwin 116

  renewable energy 271, 272–3

  resilience xx, xxvii, xxxii, xxxiii, 300, 305

  Resona bank 143, 328n22

  retirement age 163, 164


  and educational propaganda 230–33

  and the Japanese economy 96–7

  and school textbooks 230–31, 232–3

  and World War II 225–9

  rice riots 72

  Rikuzentakata 3–5, 293, 294, 295–301

  2011 earthquake 5, 6–7

  Capital Hotel 4, 5, 7, 12, 25, 26, 295–6

  Fumonji temple 27, 297–8

  gymnasium 10–11

  pines 3–4, 11, 26–8; Lone Pine (ippon matsu) 12, 299–301

  reconstruction money 298

  Takata Elementary School 10

  Takata High School 10

  tsunami of 1960 296

  tsunami of 2011 xxxii, 7–12, 24–5, 293, 294, 296–9; clean-up operation 25–6, 296; commemoration of the dead 27–8; the dead and missing 10–11, 12, 20, 21, 27, 296, 297; government compensation 297; rebuilding 298–9

  tsunamis in history 3

  riots 72

  robots 94

  Rockefeller, Nelson 177

  Rogoff, Kenneth 177

  Romney, Mitt 35, 127

  Ronald Reagan, USS 258

  Russia 125, 167, 312

  Cold War see Cold War

  and Japan 312, 330–31n14, 335n11, 337n24, 341n16; Russo-Japanese war 64, 68, 70, 228

  Ryukyu kingdom 49, 247 see also Okinawa

  Saipan 74

  Saito, Yosuke 260

  Sakaguchi, Chikara 160

  sake 25, 46, 148, 222, 299

  salaries see pay

  Samsung 167, 170, 172, 173

  samurai 37, 43, 50, 59, 61, 63, 71, 150

  bushido (samurai code) 38–9, 138

  Fukuzawa xxx, 63–6

  ‘samurai with a quiff’ see Koizumi, Junichiro

  San Francisco 65

  Peace Treaty (1951) 252

  Sansom, George 58

  Sapporo Snow Festival 239, 240

  sarin 108–9

  Sasaki, Kazuyoshi 4–5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 26–8, 295, 297–8, 299, 300

  Sasaki, Miwako 11

  Sato, Seizaburo 290–93

  Satsuma 247

  savings 163

  cash hoarding 114–15

  science, western 61, 62–3, 65, 85

  vs Chinese 62–3

  Scientology, Church of 109

  Seike, Atsushi 164, 166, 331n27

  Sekigahara, battle of 59

  Self Defence Forces 194, 197, 239–42, 282, 286

  Air 242

  Maritime 241

  Sendai 290, 294

  Sengoku, Yoshito 271

  seniority pay 47, 48, 164

  Senkaku islands 251–3, 311–13, 316

  Senoue, Toshiki 15, 20, 21, 25, 28, 175, 289

  Seoul 221

  service industry 170, 331n25

  workers 166

  sex industry 194, 215 see also prostitution

  shares 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 118, 130, 142, 143, 307, 308 see also stock market, Japan

  Sharp 171–2, 173

  Shenzhen 235

  Shikibu, Murasaki: The Tale of Genji 208

  Shikoku 35, 252

  Shimizu, Masataka 18, 267, 268

  Shimizu, Yukio 5

  Shimodate, Hiromi 23–4, 293–5

  Shimotsubo, Kumiko 180–83

  Shinkansen bullet train 94

  Shinto xxvii, 5–6, 33, 46–7, 226

  shipbuilding industry 86

  Shirahase, Sawako 283–4

  shopping coupons 103

  Shotoku, Prince 58

  Showa era 141

  end of 104

  shushoku katsudo (graduate screening/mass hiring) 180–81, 192

  Singapore 73, 82, 83

  single mothers 213

  Social Darwinism 67

  social equality see equality/inequality

  Social Masses Party 73

  social welfare 212, 213, 327n40

  Softbank 173, 272–3, 311

  solar power 272–3

  Son, Masayoshi 173, 272–3, 311

  Sony 88–90, 167, 170–72, 173, 271

  Soros, George 98

  South Korea 129, 162, 205, 206

  and Japan xxx, 83, 129, 252, 323n9, 337n24, 342n37; and Abe 312; co-hosting of 2002 World Cup 231; and ‘comfort women’ 243; continuing hatred of Japanese 219; electronics industry 167, 170, 172; Seoul demonstration at Koizumi’s Yasukuni pilgrimage 221; trade 172

  Speed (film) 176

  Sprint Nextel 311

  Standard & Poor’s 123

  state identification system 288

  state pensions 146, 161, 162–3, 329n19

  steel industry 86–7, 144

  stock market, Japan 114, 115, 117–18, 143, 307, 308 see also shares

  crash 100, 118, 141

  Nikkei stock average 100, 117–18, 325n1

  Stringer, Sir Howard 170, 171

  suffrage 72

imoto, Yoshio xxviii, 50, 122, 197

  Sugita, Gempaku 62

  suicides 192, 248

  Sulzberger Ice Shelf 8

  Sumitomo Chemical 90

  sumo 45, 51

  Sun Yat-sen 70

  Susquehanna, USS 66

  Suzuki, Yoshihiko 151, 152

  Switzerland xx–xxi

  Tafel Anatomia 62

  Tahara, Sochiro 134

  Taisho, emperor of Japan 71

  Taisho era 71–2

  Taiwan 68, 83, 252, 342n37

  Takahashi, Kageyasu 61

  Takamura, Kotaro 74

  Takashi, Yoshiaki 288

  Takato, Nahoko 194

  Takeda, Ippei 158, 168–9, 178

  Takenaka, Heizo 134, 135, 138, 140, 141–4, 147

  Tanaka, Kakuei 137

  Tanaka, Makiko 135, 328n6

  Tanaka, Naoki 56–7

  Tanaka, Yasuo 146

  Tanaka, Yoshikazu 170

  Tanigaki, Sadakazu 282

  tansu savings 114

  Tase, Yasuhiro 137–8

  Tasker, Peter 124–5

  taxes 127, 128, 146

  sales tax increases 283

  Taya, Teizo 326n11

  tea ceremonies xxiii

  Tepco (Tokyo Electric Power Company) 14–15, 17–18, 19, 262–4, 282

  contract worker use at Fukushima 265–6

  faking of safety data 266–7

  lack of transparency over Fukushima 267, 268

  nationalization of 274

  and the parliamentary enquiry 261, 266

  terrorism 104, 108–9, 189, 195

  Thatcher, Margaret 141

  toads 99–100

  Toba, Futoshi 10, 28, 300

  Toba, Taiga 10

  Tohoku xx, 19–20, 25–8, 34, 283, 286, 304

  Tojo, Hideki 81, 225–8, 229

  Tojo, Yuko 225, 226–9

  Tokai nuclear power plant 18, 266–7

  Tokugawa shogunate 59–60, 61–2, 63

  Iemitsu Tokugawa 60

  Ieyasu Tokugawa 59

  Yoshimune Tokugawa 61–2

  Tokyo xxv–xxvi, xxix, 55, 105

  1923 earthquake 72, 77, 304

  2011 earthquake 7, 13, 15–17, 18–19, 25

  ancient Edo 59, 62

  Chateau Joel Robuchon 213

  as a collection of villages xxv

  energy conservation 270

  and Fukushima Daiichi 17–18; contingency evacuation plans 263

  Ginza 101

  Grand Hyatt Hotel 203

  Hibiya Public Hall 77

  Higashi Kitazawa 113

  iodine-131 in water supply 275

  Olympics: 1964 264; 2020 317

  post-World War II 83–4

  power shortages after the quake 15–16, 18

  property prices 101

  Shibuya 188

  terrorist attack (1995) 104, 108–9

  Tower 94

  War Crimes Tribunal 81, 225, 227–8

  World War II bombing 70, 77, 79, 304